SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 [Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe]:
8:00 am + Charles Gloski (34th Anniversary) – int. Family
10:30 am –Deceased members of the Greene and Newcombe Families – int. Cyndi and Jim
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27 [Feast of the Miraculous Medal]:
8:00 am – Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 [St. Camillus and St. Peregrine Novena]:
5:30 pm + Mary Ann Dean – int. Kathy Eichorn
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 [St. Jude Novena]:
5:30 pm + Frank & Stella Konsevich – int. Joe & Anne
5:30 pm – Health & Blessings for Alison Scherman Edwards – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Recitation of the Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will follow Mass
5:30 pm – Health & Blessings for Lindsay & Michael Bibeau – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
FIRST SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 [Bl. Rafael Melchior Chylinski]:
The Holy Rosary will be recited before Mass, Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament, Litany of Loreto and Benediction following Mass
8:00 am – Living members of the Greene and Newcombe Families – int. Cyndi and Jim
4:00 pm – Health & Blessings for Larry Krejmas – int. OLC Parish Council
6:00 pm (Spanish) – For our Parish and Parishioners
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3 [First Sunday of Advent]:
8:00 am¬¬ – Health & Blessings for Bishops, Priests & Deacons of the Diocese
10:30 am + Stephen Wilt – int. Ron & Monica Scherman


PLEASE NOTE! Next weekend, December 2nd and 3rd, will be our first weekend with the new Ignatius Pew Missal, published by Ignatius Press and the Augustine Institute. Please note that they are set-up slightly differently than our old missalettes, and are designed to last a whole year—please treat them with care!

THERE WILL BE NO CATECHISM CLASSES because of the Christmas holiday, on the following dates: Sunday, December 23th and Sunday, December 31st. Classes WILL RESUME Sunday, January 7th. Because the Faith of our children is so important this and Easter Sunday are the only vacations our catechism classes ever have!

IN HONOR OF THE INFANT OF PRAGUE we will have the special rite of the Blessing of Children in our parish on Saturday, December 9th. All parents are encouraged to bring their children and infants to the 4:00 p.m. Mass for this special blessing.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th is the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle who was the brother of Simon Peter. Tradition holds that he preached the Gospel north of the Black Sea and in Greece. He was martyred by crucifixion and is the Patron of Russia and Scotland. He will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1st is the First Friday of the Month in honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Mass of the Sacred Heart will be offered at 5:30 p.m. followed by the Litany of the Sacred Heart. Confessions will be heard at 5:00 p.m.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd is the First Saturday of the Month in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Mass will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Litany of Loreto, and Benediction. Confessions will be available at 7:30 a.m.

THE WEEKLY ST. JUDE NOVENA will be prayed at the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, November 23rd. This is a continuing Novena that may be begun at any time. All are welcome to come and pray for the intercession of St. Jude, the patron of desperate cases.

THE WEEKLY PRO-LIFE NOVENA will be offered before the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 11th. Please come and beg God for an end to this terrifying evil which is destroying our nation!

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RAFFLE – The Knights Council 737 at Our Lady of Częstochowa are raffling a Gibson Les Paul 1960 reissue Gold top guitar valued at $1500. Tickets are available at $10 each or 5 for $40 with the drawing taking place December 2 during our church’s Christmas Bazaar. Only 500 tickets will be sold. Please see any of the Knights for your chance to win or call Mark Garmalo at 413-824-1469.

COMMUNITY MEALS – Our final Community Meal in 2017 will be on Wednesday, December 6. We are responsible for the main meal, breads, beverages and dessert and a small group of volunteers to help serve the meal, which takes place at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield. There is a sign-up sheet in the front vestibule with aluminum pans for your convenience for our dinner. Please contact Cathy Becklo at 413-863-2267 or at acbecklo@comcast.net if you would like more information or have any questions. Thank you for all the wonderful effort that keeps this program running so beautifully!

WEBSITE: ChroniclesofCzestochowa.wordpress.com Like us on Facebook
Our Annual St. Nicholas Day Bazaar

Saturday, December 2nd – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Come for tasty Polish pierogi, delicious baked goods, religious goods, gifts from Poland, marvelous arts and crafts, exciting raffles and fun and games, breakfast and lunch served on the premises.

GUESS WHO’S COMING! St. Nicholas, of course! The CCD annual St. Nicholas Party will be after the 4:00 Mass on Saturday, December 9th. This party is for all children, preschoolers through 6th grade. Highlights of this special evening are: the Infant of Prague Novena with the Blessing of the children and the Offering of Vigil Lights during Mass, Ed Popielarczyk, the Magician, back for another side-splitting display of his magic skills, supper and carols, plus the arrival of St. Nicholas with gifts for all. Please sign up in the church vestibule, or call Joanne Dowdy 498-0241. (All children are asked to bring a plate of Christmas cookies and a $3.00 fun gift to share.) This is a special evening for our children. Be sure to include it in your Advent schedule!

The Rectory Open House
All Parishioners and Friends are cordially invited to the Rectory Open House on Sunday, December 17th
from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
All are welcome to come any time during the day to share in refreshments, good wishes and Holiday Fellowship.

HOLY HOUR AND MINI RETREAT – Join us before the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour and Mini Retreat of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart. The Holy Hour is every Thursday and the Mini Retreat is the last Thursday of every month in our church following the 5:30 p.m. Mass, from 6:16 – 7:15 p.m. with our Pastor, Fr. Seán O’Mannion, National Director of the Guard of Honor – USA.

Why We Celebrate Christ the King Sunday

Laura Magnifico

Each year the Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday before Advent, also known as the last Sunday of the liturgical year. As Catholics, we’ve been recognizing Christ as our King for over 2,000 years. Each time we attend Mass, genuflect in front of the altar, or receive a sacrament, we are honoring our King. So why do we have a special day set aside to remember our King? The man who holds the answer is Pope Pius XI who, in 1925, was compelled to institute this feast.
At the time of Pope Pius XI’s papacy, the world was in turmoil. In many regions, people were facing the spread of dictatorships. These dictators had a stronghold on their countries and many people following them, regarded them as mighty, almost idol-like beings. In addition, the threat of secularism, atheism, and agnosticism was running rampant throughout parts of Europe, Russia, and Mexico. Pope Pius XI witnessed with great heartbreak a lack of reverence and belief in Christ. He felt a strong need to put a stop to the anti-Catholic sentiment that was becoming a crisis during the first part of the 20th century. On December 11, 1925, the pontiff presented an encyclical, Quas Primas, establishing the Feast of Christ the King. He stressed that “The manifold evils in the world are due to the fact that the majority of men have thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics…”
He went on to explain the importance of recognizing Christ as King:
“He [Jesus] is the author of happiness and true prosperity for every man and for every nation. A nation is happy when its citizens are happy. What else is a nation but a number of men living in concord? If therefore, the rulers of nations wish to preserve their authority, to promote and increase the prosperity of their countries, they will not neglect the public duty of reverence and obedience to the rule of Christ… With authority derived not from God but from man, the very basis of that authority has been taken away, because the chief reason of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to its fall, because it has no longer a sense and solid foundation.”
When Pope Pius XI speaks of Christ as King, he isn’t speaking about authority or domination, but service. Jesus’ kingship is one that represents salvation, one that annihilates hatred and evil. He doesn’t want to control us, He wants to save us. He speaks of a spiritual kingdom. “My kingdom is not of this world… But now my kingdom is from another place.” (John 18:36) While governments and leaders around the world crumble throughout history, Christ’s reign will never fall.
Celebrating Christ the King Today
Today, just as in 1925, our world continues to experience turbulent times. In addition to political unrest and ongoing threats of wars, people are becoming increasingly more secularized and more materialistic. Church attendance throughout the world is also on the decline. Many people are pushing Christ aside as they tend to more “important” matters. Some may not even realize they are doing it. We live in a society where many individuals are caught up in their own lives, with getting their own needs met and focusing on wealth and possessions. The Feast of Christ the King is a wakeup call for all of us, to stop and assess our lives. Are we including our faith in all the decisions we make? Do we only remember to pray when we need something? When we attend Mass do we actively listen to the Scripture readings and reflect on the messages? When we genuflect, do we do it with meaning and awe, or are we only going through the motions?
This year, the Feast of Christ the King is November 26. Let the words of Pope Pius XI resonate with us:
“He must reign in our minds, which should assent with perfect submission and firm belief to revealed truths and to the doctrines of Christ. He must reign in our wills, which should obey the laws and precepts of God. He must reign in our hearts, which should spurn natural desires and love God above all things, and cleave to him alone. He must reign in our bodies and in our members, which should serve as instruments for the interior sanctification of our souls.”

THE TERESIANS ARE STILL LOOKING for a few good men, women, or families willing to join us in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Out latest project is collecting “toiletries” from hotels. These will be offered at the OLC community meals. There is a marked container in the vestibule. Do NOT buy them. If you want to buy something, consider groceries for distribution from the rectory. Nancy Faller (nafaller@aol.com)

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS to the Priesthood from our Parish and for our Parish so that we might always have a Priest here to celebrate the Mass and administer the Holy Sacraments! Please join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet to pray for vocations to the priesthood every Friday beginning at 4:45 p.m.
OUR LADY’S HOLY ICON will visit the home of Arlene Becklo for a week of prayer and petition for the needs of our Parish. We thank you for this holy work of power and love.

PLEASE NOTE that every day of the month is set aside to pray for a specific priest or deacon of Franklin County. Please join in dedicating every day to one of the clergymen designated in our calendar. The intentions for this week are:

      Sunday                  Monday                Tuesday             Wednesday           
Fr. Bermudez              Fr. Roux               Fr. Cullen              Fr. Pawlus  

                 Thursday                          Friday                            Saturday

            Deacon DeCarlo                Deacon Patten                  Fr. Campoli

ALTERNATIVES PREGNANCY CENTER – Pregnancy Tests, Counseling, Support Services, and Post Abortion Support, All Services Free and Confidential, 466 Main Street, P.O. Box 344, Greenfield, MA 01302-0344 — (413) 774-6010

CATHOLIC CRUISE TROPICAL CARIBBEAN – Come and sail away on a 7 night tropical Caribbean cruise with Fr. John Harper, Dec. 31-Jan. 7, 2018 on Holland America’s Eurodam out of Ft. Lauderdale (Port Everglades)), Florida Ports of Call: Key West, Florida, Grand Turk Island, Turks & Caicos, Amber Cove (Puerto Plata), Dominican Republic, Half Moon Bay, Bahamas (Cruiseline Private Island). Prices begin at $3,168 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further information or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.com.

TWO PILGRIMAGES TO WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – The World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin, Ireland from August 21-26, 2018. Two great pilgrimages (8 or 12 day) are planned which include daily Mass and visits to numerous shrines (Knock, St. Peter, Nat’l. Shrine to St. Oliver Plunkett, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Valentine, Venerable Matt Talbot, Tomb of Venerable John Sullivan, depending on which pilgrimage you choose) and many places of interest. For more information contact Grand View Tours at (610-361-7979), visit http://www.catholicsindublin.com, or contact Fr. Jonathan Reardon at Holy Family Parish in So. Deerfield (665-3254).

COFFEE HOUR – For those of you are waiting for your children during C.C.D. classes – and for anyone else who can join us for that matter – there will be a Coffee Hour at the Rectory following 8:00 Mass (from 9:00 – 10:00). Please come by for a cup of coffee, some home made baked goods, and friendly company. Please use the side door of the Rectory.
THE FOLLOWING MASS INTENTIONS have been sent to various Missionaries. They will be offered as follows and you may attend the Masses here in our church as the Missionaries offer the Masses in their churches:

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26: 8:00 + Norman Carey – int. the Shaughenessys
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26: 10:30 + Chet Galvis – int. Connie
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27: 8:00 + Mary R. DiMascola – int. Family
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3: 4:00 + Alec & Sabina Lazoski – int. Joseph & Irene Klepadlo

PLEASE NOTE: The above Masses not only assist the souls for whom they are offered, but they also help the Missionaries who often times receive very little help. It also helps the people where the Masses are offered. Bóg wam zapłać!

WORLD WAR I: BEYOND THE FRONT LINES – World War I, fought from 1914-1918, was the modern world’s first international conflict. Approximately 11 million soldiers were killed, and the war’s toll including civilian casualties exceeded 20 million. By Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1918, more than 116,000 Americans died as a result of the war. Of these, more than 1,600 were Knights of Columbus. Both the first and last American military officers to die during the war were K of C members. The Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. commemorates the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in the war with an exhibition, World War I: Beyond the Front Lines (Apr. 6, 2017 – Dec. 30, 2018). The exhibition provides an historical retrospective of the war and includes interactives, images and artifacts from the Knights of Columbus Museum collection, Supreme Council archives and borrowed materials from private lenders and organizations. A series of WWI-related lectures and presentations will be offered throughout the course of the exhibition. For more information, visit http://www.kofcmuseum.org.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS – A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is an opportunity for any woman, man, couple, grandparent or sibling who struggles with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. This unique retreat allows the soul to speak its sorrow and is designed specifically to help retreatants experience the gentleness, mercy, compassion, and the unconditional love of Jesus as they walk through the journey to forgiveness. The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held in Stockbridge, MA on the weekend of Nov. 3-5th. If you or a friend are hurting from an abortion experience don’t delay, take the first step toward healing. For more information or to register for a weekend call 413-452-0661. You may also call Suzanne @ 203-417-0504. All calls are confidential.

THIS BULLETIN is sponsored by the St. Stanislaus and St. Kazimierz Societies.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord,
And Let Your Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.

Joseph Seremeth 11/26/1953
Amelia M. Kozik 11/26/1974
Charles Gloski 11/26/1983
Mary Prohowicz 11/26/1995
Rose M. Bruso 11/26/2005
Janek Caslonzik 11/27/1943
Edward Warchol 11/27/1962
Marcianna Brzozowy 11/27/1969
Vernon C. Murray 11/27/1985
Helen Rudinski 11/27/1987

Martin E. Yarmac 11/27/2011
Nellie F. Kosewicz 11/27/2014
Peter Orzulak 11/28/1935
Frank G. Pipione, Jr. 11/28/1975

John Watroba 12/1/1952
Paul Siciak 12/1/1964
Anna Kopinto 12/1/1980
Walter Molongoski 12/1/1983
Helen R. Iwanowicz 12/1/1984
Edward J. Holewa 12/1/1994
William F. Tetreault 12/1/1995
Joseph Puchoka 12/2/1933
Frank Bakula 12/2/1966
Peter Sokolowski 12/2/1969
Stanley Krusiewski 12/2/1996
Catherine Kozik 12/3/1929
Joseph Bukowski 12/3/1940
Waclaus Piotrowicz 12/3/1949
Aniela Siciak 12/3/1953
Victoria A. Zabko 12/3/2010

Remember the Holy Souls in Your Prayers

CHURCH CHOIRS: The St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers, which sings at the Sunday 10:30 Mass and other special services, is always seeking additional singers of any experience. We rehearse every Sunday in the choir loft following the 10:30 Mass, from 11:30 – 1:00. For information, please see Henry Gaida or e-mail hgaida@gmail.com.
The Saint Gregory Choir: So you didn’t take Latin in school? Most of us didn’t either! So you don’t read music? Many of us are still learning the basics! So you’re busy? So are we! Who are we? We call ourselves the St. Gregory Choir; we’re folk like you who like to sing to God’s greater glory. The music we sing is sophisticated, but we aren’t, and we need you. Don’t let flimsy excuses keep you from singing some of civilization’s greatest music–the Church’s vast treasury of chants, hymns, and polyphony (a fancy name for four part pieces). We rehearse for seventy-five minutes after Friday Mass and twenty minutes before the Sunday first Mass. Come give it a try. No auditions, no experience necessary, and no solos the first twelve months. We promise! We sing at the 8:00 Sunday morning Mass. For more information, call Robert Heath at 772-8738.

DID YOU KNOW? Poland contributed 144 fighter pilots to the Allied effort during World War II, most notably in the RAF 302 and 303 squadrons. It is claimed they are responsible for shooting down 204 German planes and probably another 35, which was 12%–14% of German losses during the Battle of Britain in 1940.

+ Parish Schedule for the Week of November 22, 2017 +

Sunday, November 19 [Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time]:
8:00 am + Bernie Kobera – int. Family
10:30 am – Living & Deceased members of the St. Cecilia Choir
Monday, November 20:
8:00 am + Mary Elizabeth Labert – int. Jacques Family
Tuesday, November 21 [St. Camillus and St. Peregrine Novena /
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary]:
5:30 pm + Mary Lambert – int. Jacques Family
Wednesday, November 22 [St. Cecilia]:
5:30 pm – Living and Deceased Organists of OLC Parish – int. St. Cecilia Choir
Thursday, November 23 [Thanksgiving Day / St. Cement I / St. Columban /
Bl. Miguel Pro]:
**8:00 am – For our Parish and Parishioners
Friday, November 24 [St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions]:
5:30 pm – Intentions for R. P. Wilt Family – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Saturday, November 25 [St. Catherine of Alexandria]:
8:00 am – Intention for Elias Filip and Family – int. Friend
4:00 pm + Charles & Cecilia Gloski – int. Joyce Phillips
6:00 pm (Spanish) – For our Parish and Parishioners
Sunday, November 26 [Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe]:
8:00 am + Charles Gloski (34th Anniversary) – int. Family
10:30 am – Living & Deceased members of the Greene and Newcombe Families
– int. Cyndi and Jim

+ Królowo Polski Módl Się za Nami +

THE WEEKLY ST. JUDE NOVENA will be prayed at the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, November 23rd.  This is a continuing Novena that may be begun at any time.  All are welcome to come and pray for the intercession of St. Jude, the patron of desperate cases.

THE GENTLEMEN OF ST. JOSEPH will meet on Wednesday, November 22nd at 6:00 p.m. for a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by a meeting in the undercroft.  We will have a guest speaker for this meeting.  The Gentlemen of St. Joseph is a group of men dedicated to answering the call of Mary to lead families to her son, Jesus.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21st is the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple and signifies Mary’s total gift of self which prepared her to become the living temple of God’s Son.  This feast will be celebrated at the 8:00 a.m. Mass.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd is the Feast of St. Cecilia known as the patroness of music.  She will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd is the Feast of Pope St. Clement I and St. Columban as well as Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro.  St. Clement, Pope of the early Church, was martyred in the year 100 under Trajan.  St. Columban, an Irish Monk and Missionary to northeast France, lived a life of penance and prayer founding numerous Monasteries.  Blessed Miguel Pro was noted for his open and sympathetic nature as well as his firm piety and faith.  Amidst Mexican religious persecution he was executed on November 23, 1927 at the age of 36.  The firing squad executed him and his last words were “Long live Christ the King.”  The above Saints will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

THE MASS FOR THANKSGIVING DAY, Thursday, November 23rd, will be at 8:00 a.m. rather than at 5:30 p.m


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th is the Feast of St. Andrew Dung-Lac and his companions.  St. Andrew Dung-Lac and his companions (over 117 Vietnamese Christians; clergy, religious and laymen) suffered martyrdom during the 17th through 19th centuries and are noted for their strong faith, courage and piety.  They will be remembered in the Mass at 8:00 a.m.

.SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th is the Feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria.  Catherine was a learned woman of the early fourth century who, according to legend, following her conversion at the age of eighteen, preached the Gospel throughout Alexandria in Egypt.  While imprisoned by the emperor Maximus, she converted both the empress and the leader of the armed forces, and for this she was martyred.  Legend has it that upon her death, after a wheel of torture (known as “Catherine’s wheel) broke; her body was supposedly carried by angels to Mt. Sinai.  Venerated in the East since the ninth century, she is a patron saint of philosophers, preachers, and young unmarried women.  She will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

THE WEEKLY PRO-LIFE NOVENA will be offered before the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 11th.  Please come and beg God for an end to this terrifying evil which is destroying our nation!

WEBSITE:  ChroniclesofCzestochowa.wordpress.com  Like us on Facebook
IN HONOR OF THE INFANT OF PRAGUE we will have the special rite of the Blessing of Children in our parish on Saturday, December 9th.  All parents are encouraged to bring their children and infants to the 4:00 p.m. Mass for this special blessing.

THE CATECHISM CLASS CHILDREN’S St. Nicholas Party will take place on Saturday, December 9th beginning with 4:00 p.m. Mass for Grades K – 6.  St. Nicholas will make an appearance. Children are reminded to bring a $3.00 gift to exchange.  A professional magician will also be there to astound and dazzle everyone!  Save this date for a magical day!

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RAFFLE – The Knights Council 737 at Our Lady of Częstochowa are raffling a Gibson Les Paul 1960 reissue Gold top guitar valued at $1500.  Tickets are available at $10 each or 5 for $40 with the drawing taking place December 2 during our church’s Christmas Bazaar. Only 500 tickets will be sold.  Please see any of the Knights for your chance to win or call Mark Garmalo at 413-824-1469.

OUR NEXY 50-50 RAFFLE will be held the weekend of Nov. 18 & 19, 2017 at all Masses.  Just a reminder that the proceeds for this raffle will go to the Scott Seago Family Fund.

RAFFLE TICKETS FOR OUR SUPER St. Nicholas Day raffle are available in the church vestibule.  If at all possible, the Parish Council is requesting that each family take at least one book of raffle tickets.  First Prize: $100 Cash; Second Prize: $50 Cash; Third Prize: $25 Cash; Fourth Prize: $25 Cash; Fifth Prize: $25 cash; Sixth Prize: $25 cash.

OUR LADY’S HOLY ICON will visit the home of Peggy Mazzer for a week of prayer and petition for the needs of our Parish.  We thank you for this holy work of power and love.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS – A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is an opportunity for any woman, man, couple, grandparent or sibling who struggles with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion.  This unique retreat allows the soul to speak its sorrow and is designed specifically to help retreatants experience the gentleness, mercy, compassion, and the unconditional love of Jesus as they walk through the journey to forgiveness.  The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held in Stockbridge, MA on the weekend of Nov. 3-5th.  If you or a friend are hurting from an abortion experience don’t delay, take the first step toward healing.  For more information or to register for a weekend call 413-452-0661.  You may also call Suzanne @ 203-417-0504.  All calls are confidential.

A Patron Saint for Musicians, Singers
Thomas Craughwell


As the father of Gregorian chant, Pope St. Gregory the Great was the obvious candidate for patron of singers and musicians.  His position went unchallenged for 700 years until the proliferation of pipe organs in churches and a misreading of a line in the Divine Office pushed Gregory into the background and advanced St. Cecilia (3rd century; feast day November 22) as the patron of all things musical.
The line that caused the shift is found in the Office for the feast of St. Cecilia: “cantantibus organis illa in corde suo sui domino decantabat.”  While the instruments were playing, she [Cecilia] would sing to her Lord in her heart.  The scene describes Cecilia’s wedding banquet: while the musicians played bawdy songs, Cecilia sang in her heart hymns to Christ, her heavenly bridegroom.
Apparently readers in the 14th century read cantantibus organis as “the organ was playing” and interpreted the rest of the phrase to mean that Cecilia herself was the organist.  The image of a beautiful young woman seated at a pipe organ singing sweetly to God captured the popular imagination of the faithful in a way that St. Gregory the Great never did.
Cecilia’s wedding requires a little explanation.  She had made a vow to remain a virgin, but her parents insisted that Cecilia marry.  Although they were Christians, they chose a pagan named Valerian as Cecilia’s husband.  On the wedding night Cecilia explained to Valerian that she had promised God to remain a virgin, that she had been forced into marriage.  Her Christian faith would not permit her to break her vow.  Valerian was skeptical, but Cecilia urged him to go see Pope Urban who would be able to convince him of what was right.
Urban did more than persuade Valerian to respect Cecilia’s vow; he converted him to Christianity.  Valerian’s conversion led his brother Tiburtius to seek out Pope Urban, and he too was baptized.  Not long afterward a fresh wave of persecution swept through Rome: Cecilia, Valerian, Tiburtius and Maximus, the prison warden who had guarded Valerian and Tiburtius, were all martyred.
If you go to Rome you can see St. Cecilia’s house — it is intact beneath the Basilica of St. Cecilia in the part of town called Trastevere.
Before Constantine granted freedom to the Church, Christianity operated in secret.  In Rome, generous, well-to-do Christians risked their lives by offering their homes as both church and community center.  These house churches became known as tituli, a Roman term for an inscription placed upon a building to indicate who owned the property.  By the year 300 there were 25 Christian tituli in Rome.  One of these belonged to Cecilia.
After St. Cecilia’s martyrdom, Pope Urban had her buried in the Catacomb of St. Callixtus.  Her relics remained there until the ninth century when Pope St. Paschal I (reigned 817-24) moved the bodies of St. Cecilia and Sts. Valerian, Tiburtius and Maximus to the basilica he had built over Cecilia’s house.  In 1599, Cecilia’s tomb was opened and her body was found to be incorrupt.  The excavators called the sculptor Stefano Maderno to the site to make a sketch of Cecilia’s body.
The martyr’s body did not remain intact: with exposure to the air, it crumbled to dust.  But the life-size sculpture Maderno made from his sketch shows us what Cecilia looked like.  You can see it in Rome enshrined beneath the high altar in the Basilica of St. Cecilia.
COFFEE HOUR – For those of you are waiting for your children during C.C.D. classes – and for anyone else who can join us for that matter – there will be a Coffee Hour at the Rectory following 8:00 Mass (from 9:00 – 10:00).  Please come by for a cup of coffee, some home made baked goods, and friendly company.  Please use the side door of the Rectory.

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS to the Priesthood from our Parish and for our Parish so that we might always have a Priest here to celebrate the Mass and administer the Holy Sacraments!  Please join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet to pray for vocations to the priesthood every Friday beginning at 4:45 p.m.

Our Annual St. Nicholas Day Bazaar

Saturday, December 2nd – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Come for tasty Polish pierogi, delicious baked goods, religious goods, gifts from Poland, marvelous arts and crafts, exciting raffles and fun and games, breakfast and lunch served on the premises.


CONGRATULATIONS, HEALTH, AND BLESSINGS to Robert & Louise Hoynoski on their 60th Wedding Anniversary on November 23, 2017, Thanksgiving Day!

HOLY HOUR AND MINI RETREAT – Join us before the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour and Mini Retreat of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart.  The Holy Hour is every Thursday and the Mini Retreat is the last Thursday of every month in our church following the 5:30 p.m. Mass, from 6:16 – 7:15 p.m. with our Pastor, Fr. Seán O’Mannion, National Director of the Guard of Honor – USA.

COMMUNITY MEALS – Our final Community Meal in 2017 will be on Wednesday, December 6. We are responsible for the main meal, breads, beverages and dessert and a small group of volunteers to help serve the meal, which takes place at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield. There is a sign-up sheet in the front vestibule with aluminum pans for your convenience for our dinner.   Please contact Cathy Becklo at 413-863-2267 or at acbecklo@comcast.net if you would like more information or have any questions. Thank you for all the wonderful effort that keeps this program running so beautifully!

DID YOU KNOW?  One of the world’s oldest salt mines, the Wieliczka Salt Mine, located in the southern Polish town of Wieliczka, was built in the 13th century and produced table salt until 2007. The mine’s attractions include dozens of statues, three chapels, and an entire cathedral carved out of rock salt by the miners. Approximately 1.2 million visitors walk through the salt mine annually. The mine reaches a depth of 1,073 feet (327 m) and is over 178 miles (287 km) long. It is often referred to as the “Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland.”

Who Can Doubt The Real Presence?
By Anne Van Tilburg

pope-john-paul-ii1On the evening of the last day of his October 1995 visit to the United States, Pope John Paul II was scheduled to greet the seminarians at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore.  It had been a very full day, beginning with Mass at the Oriole Park in Camden Yards, followed by a parade through the downtown streets, a visit to the Basilica of the Assumption, the first cathedral in the country, lunch at a local soup kitchen, run by the Catholic Charities, a prayer service at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in the north Baltimore area, and finally a quick stop at St. Mary’s Seminary.    The schedule was tight so the plan was to simply greet the seminarians while they stood outside on the steps. But Pope John Paul II made his way through their ranks and into the building.  His plan was first to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. When his wishes were made known, security personnel quickly flew into action ahead of the Pope.  Their activities included a sweep of the building, paying close attention to the chapel where Pope John Paul II would be praying.
For this purpose, highly trained dogs were used to detect any persons who might be present. The dogs are trained to locate living people in collapsed buildings after earthquakes and other disasters.  These intelligent and eager canines went through their rounds in the halls, offices and classrooms quickly, and were then sent into the chapel.  They went up and down the aisles and past the pews, and finally into the side chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.
We Catholics know they were right; they found a REAL LIVING PERSON in the tabernacle!
Source: Fidelity Magazine.

“Could you not watch one hour with Me?”
Our Lord is calling you to spend time with Him in the Adoration Chapel.  If you do not have a regular holy hour, now is the time to take one!  The following hours are available in our Adoration Chapel:
Thursday 3:00 am
Friday 1:00 pm
If you are able to help with any one of these hours, even temporarily, or would like to do a different hour, please call Maureen Filiault at 773-3311 (work) or 863-4777 (home).
God will bestow amazing graces on those who adore Him!

Let Us Give Thanks

A special Mass of gratitude will be offered at 8:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd.  Prayers of thanksgiving will be offered as will be special prayers of intercession to Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, the Lily of the Mohawk.  All who attend are invited to bring the bread and wine they will serve at their Thanksgiving dinner for a special Blessing which will take place at the close of the Mass.  The Blessing follows an old Polish tradition of sharing the prayers of the Church in the home with the family at the dinner table.  The Thanksgiving Day Mass on November 23rd at 8:00 a.m. will take the place of the usual 5:30 p.m. Mass on Thursday only.


HERE IS OUR “Annual Parish Thanksgiving Day Bread Recipe!”  Parishioners may use this recipe or their own recipe to make bread that will be blessed on Thanksgiving Day and may then be used at their Thanksgiving dinner to continue the blessing of the Church into their homes and with their families.


Polish Sourdough Rye Bread


For the Sourdough Starter:
4 tablespoons flour (medium rye)
3 tablespoons milk (warm)
For the Bread:
4 cups flour (medium rye)
4 cups flour (all-purpose)
1 tablespoon salt
1 package/2 1/4 teaspoons yeast (instant)
2 tablespoons butter (softened)
2 1/2 cups water (warm)
1 large egg white (room temperature, beaten)
1 tablespoon caraway (seeds)



Make the Starter
In a small bowl, mix together the 4 tablespoons rye flour and milk.
Cover with plastic and set in a warm place to ripen for two days or until it smells pleasantly sour.

Make the Dough
In a large bowl, combine 4 cups rye flour and all-purpose flour, salt, yeast, butter, water, and starter.  Knead 7 minutes by machine or 10 minutes by hand.
Place in a clean, greased bowl, cover with plastic and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.
Punch down dough, knead 1 minute and divide in half.

Shape and Bake
Heat oven to 400 F.
Shape each dough half into a round on 2 parchment-lined baking sheets. Cover with oiled plastic and let rise 30 minutes or until almost doubled.
Brush risen rounds with egg white and sprinkle with caraway seeds. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until thermometer registers 190 to 195 F and bread sounds hollow when tapped.
Slide breads off baking pans and cool completely on a wire rack.

THE TERESIANS ARE STILL LOOKING for a few good men, women, or families willing to join us in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  Out latest project is collecting “toiletries” from hotels.  These will be offered at the OLC community meals.  There is a marked container in the vestibule.  Do NOT buy them.  If you want to buy something, consider groceries for distribution from the rectory.  Nancy Faller (nafaller@aol.com)

PLEASE NOTE that every day of the month is set aside to pray for a specific priest or deacon of Franklin County.  Please join in dedicating every day to one of the clergymen designated in our calendar.  The intentions for this week are:

Sunday                         Fr. Aksamit

Monday                        Deacon Bucci

Tuesday                       Fr. Bombardier

Wednesday                 Deacon Leary

 Thursday                    Our Seminarians

 Friday                          Bishop Rozanski

 Saturday                     Our Deacon Candidates

VISIT http://diospringfield.org/Ministries/child-youth-protection/ for resources for child abuse prevention and reporting.
ALTERNATIVES PREGNANCY CENTER – Pregnancy Tests, Counseling, Support Services, and Post Abortion Support, All Services Free and Confidential, 466 Main Street, P.O. Box 344, Greenfield, MA  01302-0344 — (413) 774-6010

NOVEMBER IS DEDICATED to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Please remember the Holy Souls in your Prayers!  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them!

PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH CHRISTMAS TRIP – St. Mary’s Church in Lee presents a Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas Trip, November 28-30. Highlights include:  Miracle of Christmas Show at Sight and Sound Theatre, Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, American Music Theatre Christmas Show, Christmas Chalk w/artist – art work will be given away to a guest, two breakfasts, two dinners (one being in an Amish home), Kitchen Kettle Village, Farmers Market and guided tour of Amish Farmlands.  Cost is $439 pp, double occupancy.  For more info., please contact St. Mary’s office at 413-243-0275 or Nancy Wilcox at 413-298-4603.

CATHOLIC CRUISE TROPICAL CARIBBEAN – Come and sail away on a 7 night tropical Caribbean cruise with Fr. John Harper, Dec. 31-Jan. 7, 2018 on Holland America’s Eurodam out of Ft. Lauderdale (Port Everglades)), Florida Ports of Call:  Key West, Florida, Grand Turk Island, Turks & Caicos, Amber Cove (Puerto Plata), Dominican Republic, Half Moon Bay, Bahamas (Cruiseline Private Island).  Prices begin at $3,168 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes.  Daily Mass offered.  Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin.  Space is limited.  For further information or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.com.

TWO PILGRIMAGES TO WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – The World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin, Ireland from August 21-26, 2018.  Two great pilgrimages (8 or 12 day) are planned which include daily Mass and visits to numerous shrines (Knock, St. Peter, Nat’l. Shrine to St. Oliver Plunkett, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Valentine, Venerable Matt Talbot, Tomb of Venerable John Sullivan, depending on which pilgrimage you choose) and many places of interest.  For more information contact Grand View Tours at (610-361-7979), visit http://www.catholicsindublin.com, or contact Fr. Jonathan Reardon at Holy Family Parish in So. Deerfield (665-3254).

WHEN I WAS LITTLE, my dad would ask me, “George, do you love the Lord?” I would say, “Yes, I do.” He would tell me “Then stand up and shout Hallelujah!” So I would, and then I would fall out of the roller coaster.
THE FOLLOWING MASS INTENTIONS have been sent to various Missionaries.  They will be offered as follows and you may attend the Masses here in our church as the Missionaries offer the Masses in their churches:

Sunday, November 19: 8:00 + Cecilia Gloski – int. Family
Sunday, November 19: 10:30 + Mary R. DiMascola – int. Son
Monday, November 20: 8:00 + Charles Gloski – int. Family
Tuesday, November 21: 5:30 + Robert James Scherman Family
– int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Wednesday, November 22: 5:30 – Sr. Maria Faustina Scherman, MSSR
– int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Thursday, November 23: 5:30 + Robert Hoynoski – int. Kathy Eichorn
Friday, November, 24: 5:30 + Aniela Zalynski – int. Family
Satnurday, November 25: 8:00 + Joanne Murphy – int. Patricia Sojka
Saturday, November 18: 4:00 + Nellie Kosewicz – int. Sisters

PLEASE NOTE:  The above Masses not only assist the souls for whom they are offered, but they also help the Missionaries who often times receive very little help.  It also helps the people where the Masses are offered.  Bóg wam zapłać!

WORLD WAR I: BEYOND THE FRONT LINES – World War I, fought from 1914-1918, was the modern world’s first international conflict. Approximately 11 million soldiers were killed, and the war’s toll including civilian casualties exceeded 20 million. By Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1918, more than 116,000 Americans died as a result of the war. Of these, more than 1,600 were Knights of Columbus. Both the first and last American military officers to die during the war were K of C members. The Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. commemorates the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in the war with an exhibition, World War I: Beyond the Front Lines (Apr. 6, 2017 – Dec. 30, 2018). The exhibition provides an historical retrospective of the war and includes interactives, images and artifacts from the Knights of Columbus Museum collection, Supreme Council archives and borrowed materials from private lenders and organizations. A series of WWI-related lectures and presentations will be offered throughout the course of the exhibition. For more information, visit http://www.kofcmuseum.org.

CHRISTMAS WREATH SALE!  The Rosary Society of Holy Trinity Church in Greenfield will be holding its annual Christmas Wreath Sale Friday, Nov. 24th, 10:00 am-2:00 pm, Saturday, Nov. 25th, 10:00 am-2:00 pm; and before and after Masses on Sat. Nov. 25th, and Sun. Nov. 26th.  Wreath with Bow: $15.00; Hand-Decorated Wreath with Bow: $20.00.  Proceeds to benefit Holy Trinity Church.
DID YOU KNOW? Poland was the only European country which never officially collaborated with the Nazis at any level, and no Polish units fought alongside the Nazi army. Poland never officially surrendered to Germany, and the Polish Resistance movement in German-occupied Poland during World War II was the largest resistance movement in Europe.

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord,
And Let Your Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.

Sophie Plaza 11/19/1978
Viliam Haurlent 11/19/1999
Vivian M. (Pat) Martin 11/19/2004
Andrew Zolynski 11/20/1928
Sigmund Podlenski 11/20/1967
Antonina Kestyn 11/20/1969
Irene Dejnak 11/20/1973
Mary Kuminski 11/20/1982
Joseph J. Kozloski 11/20/1995
Mary Jablonski 11/21/1940
John Duda 11/21/1947
Lucy Dejnak 11/21/1967
Michelle Noga 11/21/1973
Joseph Marszalek 11/21/1974
Frank Waraksa 11/21/1986
Stanley A. Mieczkowski, Jr. 11/21/2006
Francis Pruvecki 11/22/1923
Piotr Samorajski 11/22/1936
Clara S. Zabko 11/22/2014
Elisabeth Zukowski 11/23/1930
Eva Ostrowski 11/23/1933
Paul Pramowski 11/23/1954
Bernard Plaza 11/23/1966
Josephine Wysk 11/24/1981
Stanley Sokolowski 11/24/1998
John Kobera 11/25/1968
Mary F. Mieczkowski 11/25/2006
Joseph Seremeth 11/26/1953
Amelia M. Kozik 11/26/1974
Charles Gloski 11/26/1983
Mary Prohowicz 11/26/1995
Rose M. Bruso 11/26/200

Remember the Holy Souls in Your Prayers


CHURCH CHOIRS:  The St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers, which sings at the Sunday 10:30 Mass and other special services, is always seeking additional singers of any experience.  We rehearse every Sunday in the choir loft following the 10:30 Mass, from 11:30 – 1:00.  For information, please see Henry Gaida or e-mail hgaida@gmail.com.
The Saint Gregory Choir:   So you didn’t take Latin in school?  Most of us didn’t either!  So you don’t read music?  Many of us are still learning the basics!  So you’re busy?  So are we!  Who are we?  We call ourselves the St. Gregory Choir; we’re folk like you who like to sing to God’s greater glory.  The music we sing is sophisticated, but we aren’t, and we need you.  Don’t let flimsy excuses keep you from singing some of civilization’s greatest music–the Church’s vast treasury of chants, hymns, and polyphony (a fancy name for four part pieces).  We rehearse for seventy-five minutes after Friday Mass and twenty minutes before the Sunday first Mass.  Come give it a try.  No auditions, no experience necessary, and no solos the first twelve months.  We promise!  We sing at the 8:00 Sunday morning Mass.  For more information, call Robert Heath at 772-8738.



Parish Schedule for the Week of November 12, 2017 +

Sunday, November 12 [Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time]:
 8:00 am – Intentions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
10:30 am + Living & Departed Members of the Fritz & Klepacki Families – int. Family
Monday, November 13 [St. Stanislaus Kostka /  St. Frances Xavier Cabrini]:
 8:00 am – Grace & Blessings for Jill Rose-Fish – int. Betty Fritz
Tuesday, November 14 [St. Camillus and St. Peregrine Novena]:
 5:30 pm + Holy Souls in Purgatory – int. Betty Fritz
Wednesday, November 15 [St. Jude Novena / St. Albert the Great]:
  5:30 pm + Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krynzel – int. Family
Thursday, Nov. 16 [St. Margaret of Scotland / St. Gertrude / Our Lady of Vilna]:
  5:30 pm + Rev. Msgr. Alphonse A. Skoniecki – int. Friend
Friday, November 17 [St. Elizabeth of Hungary / Bl. Salome of Galicia]:
  5:30 pm + Special intention – int. Betty Fritz
Saturday, November 18 [The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul /
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne / Bl. Karolina Kozka]:  
  8:00 am + Fr. Bruno Cocuzzi and all living and deceased members of the St. Joseph
Chapter of the Discalced Carmelites Secular Order
  4:00 pm + Rev. Joseph P. Szczepaniak – int. Friend
  6:00 pm (Spanish) – For our Parish and Parishioners
Sunday, November 19 [Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time]:
8:00 am + Bernie Kobera – int. Family
10:30 am – Living & Deceased members of the St. Cecilia Choir

+ Królowo Polski Módl Się za Nami +
Readings for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

FIRST READING (Wis. 6:12-16)

Resplendent and unfading is wisdom, and she is readily perceived by those who love her, and found by those who seek her.  She hastens to make herself known in anticipation of their desire; Whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be disappointed, for he shall find her sitting by his gate.  For taking thought of wisdom is the perfection of prudence, and whoever for her sake keeps vigil shall quickly be free from care; because she makes her own rounds, seeking those worthy of her, and graciously appears to them in the ways, and meets them with all solicitude.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Ps. 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8)

R. My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.
    O God, you are my God whom I seek;
    for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts
    like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water.  R.

    Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary
    to see your power and your glory,
    For your kindness is a greater good than life;
    my lips shall glorify you.  R.

    Thus will I bless you while I live;
    lifting up my hands, I will call upon your name.
    As with the riches of a banquet shall my soul be satisfied,
    and with exultant lips my mouth shall praise you.  R.

    I will remember you upon my couch,
    and through the night-watches I will meditate on you:
    You are my help,
    and in the shadow of your wings I shout for joy.  R.
SECOND READING (1 Thes. 4:13-18)

We do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, about those who have fallen asleep, so that you may not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with him those who have fallen asleep.  [Indeed, we tell you this, on the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will surely not precede those who have fallen asleep.  For the Lord himself, with a word of command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God, will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  Thus we shall always be with the Lord.  Therefore, console one another with these words.]
GOSPEL (Mt. 25:1-13)

Jesus told his disciples this parable: “The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  Five of them were foolish and five were wise.  The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.  Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.  At midnight, there was a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’  Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps.  The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’  But the wise ones replied, ‘No, for there may not be enough for us and you.  Go instead to the merchants and buy some for yourselves.’  While they went off to buy it, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast with him.  Then the door was locked.  Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’  But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’  Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

OUR ANNUAL ALL SOULS DAY CEMETERY ROSARY will take place on Sunday, November 12th at 2:00 p.m., weather permitting.  We will process praying the Rosary encircling our loved ones at the cemetery with the protection and love of Our Lady of the Rosary.  All are welcome to attend to pray for our departed friends and relatives.  In the event of rain the Rosary will be offered in church.

NOVEMBER IS DEDICATED to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Please remember the Holy Souls in your Prayers!  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them!

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th is the Feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first U.S. Citizen to be canonized.  She labored establishing schools, hospitals and orphanages throughout North and South America.  She will be remembered in the Mass at 8:00 a.m.

WEBSITE:  ChroniclesofCzestochowa.wordpress.com  Like us on Facebook
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th is the Feast of St. Stanislaw Kostka who the Church declares “was made perfect in a short while and fulfilled many times by the Angelic innocence of his life.”  St. Stanislaw was the second son of John and Margaret Kostka, senator of Poland.  St. Stanislaw wanted to join the Jesuit order but because of the strong and violent objections of his family he fled Poland at the age of seventeen and walked to Rome to enter the order so that his powerful family could do no harm to the Jesuits in Poland.  St. Stanislaus led a life of pure faith, obedience and love as a novice in the order.  A year later he fell ill.  On being taken to his bed he made a sign of the cross over it, saying that he would never more rise from it.  Shortly thereafter he looked up from his bed and whispered that he saw the Blessed Virgin accompanied with many angels and quietly died.  St. Stanislaus is one of the national patrons of Poland as well as the patron of youth the world over.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th is the Feast of St. Albert the Great who was known as a Master of Philosophy, Theology and natural sciences and noted for his scholarship and holiness.  He is the patron saint of scientists and will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

THE ST. JUDE NOVENA will take place on Wednesday, November 8th at the 5:30 p.m. Mass.  All are welcome to come and pray for the intercession of the saint of impossible cases.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th is the Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland and St. Gertrude.  St. Margaret was a mother and queen.  She helped root out paganism.  Her love for the poor became legendary.  She is the Patroness of Scotland.  St. Gertrude, called “the Great” was a Benedictine mystic of the great Benedictine abbey of Helfta in Saxony and wrote on the meaning of suffering, the Sacred Heart, the Trinity, and God’s love.  Her most important work was The Herald of Divine Love.  She fostered devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His gracious love.  Both saints will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th is the Feast of Our Lady of Vilna.  This holy icon of Our Lady is located in a chapel in the tower of an ancient main gate of the city.  Those who wish to petition Our Lady kneel in the street in order to see the beautiful icon overhead.  Often hundreds are seen kneeling on the stone pavements and in deep prayer giving witness to the strong faith of the people.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th is the Feast of Blessed Salome who was the daughter of Leszek the Fair, of Poland.  Salome lived more like a nun than a princess.  She became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis and did her best to make her court a model of Christian life.  After the death of her husband, she retired to the convent of the Poor Clares.  She died a holy death on November 17, 1268.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th is the Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, queen and mother.  As a widow she became a member of the Franciscan Third Order.  She dedicated her life to the needs of the poor and the sick.  She is the Patroness of the Franciscan Third Order.  There is a statue of St. Elizabeth in our Vestibule at the side of the picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  In the statue St. Elizabeth is shown with her apron full of roses reminding us of the miracle when her husband criticized her when she was on her way with her apron full of bread for the poor.  He became angry seeing the bread and ridiculed her for her charity.  The bread turned to roses and he was converted and repented his lack of charity.  She will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th is the Feast of the Dedication of the Churches of Sts. Peter and Paul and the Feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, who founded the first American House of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and opened the first American free school west of the Mississippi.  Known for her courage and desire to serve Native Americans she was called by them “the woman who prays always.”  The Feast of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne will be celebrated in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.

THE WEEKLY PRO-LIFE NOVENA will be offered before the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 11th.  Please come and beg God for an end to this terrifying evil which is destroying our nation!

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will hold their monthly meeting this week, Wednesday, November 15th, at 6:30 p.m. in the undercroft.  All members are asked to attend.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RAFFLE – The Knights Council 737 at Our Lady of Częstochowa are raffling a Gibson Les Paul 1960 reissue Gold top guitar valued at $1500.  Tickets are available at $10 each or 5 for $40 with the drawing taking place December 2 during our church’s Christmas Bazaar. Only 500 tickets will be sold.  Please see any of the Knights for your chance to win or call Mark Garmalo at 413-824-1469.

OUR NEXY 50-50 RAFFLE will be held the weekend of Nov. 18 & 19, 2017 at all Masses.  Just a reminder that the proceeds for this raffle will go to the Scott Seago Family Fund.

RAFFLE TICKETS FOR OUR SUPER St. Nicholas Day raffle are available in the church vestibule.  If at all possible, the Parish Council is requesting that each family take at least one book of raffle tickets.  First Prize: $100 Cash; Second Prize: $50 Cash; Third Prize: $25 Cash; Fourth Prize: $25 Cash; Fifth Prize: $25 cash; Sixth Prize: $25 cash.
Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul
Feast: November 18

    The Vatican Church, dedicated in honor of St. Peter, is the second patriarchal church at Rome, and in it reposes one half of the precious remains of the bodies of SS. Peter and Paul.  The tombs of the great conquerors and lords of the world have been long since destroyed and forgotten; but those of the martyrs are glorious by the veneration which the faithful pay to their memory.
    The body of St. Peter is said to have been buried  immediately after his martyrdom, upon this spot, on the Vatican hill, which was then without the walls and near the suburb inhabited by the Jews.  The remains of this apostle were removed hence into the cemetery of Calixtus, but brought back to the Vatican.  Those of St. Paul were deposited on the Ostian Way, where his church now stands.  The tombs of the two princes of the apostles, from the beginning, were visited by Christians with extraordinary devotion above those of other martyrs.  Caius, the learned and eloquent priest of Rome, in 210, in his dialogue with Proclus the Montanist, speaks thus of them: “I can show you the trophies of the apostles.  For, whether you go to the Vatican hill, or to the Ostian road, you will meet with the monuments of them who by their preaching and miracles founded this church.”
    The Christians, even in the times of persecution, adorned the tombs of the martyrs and the oratories which they erected over them, where they frequently prayed.  Constantine the Great, after founding the Lateran Church, built seven other churches at Rome and many more in other parts of Italy.  The first of these were the churches of St. Peter on the Vatican hill (where a temple of Apollo and another of Idaea, mother of the gods, before stood) in honor of the place where the prince of the apostles had suffered martyrdom and was buried and that of St. Paul, at his tomb on the Ostian road.  The yearly revenues which Constantine granted to all these churches, amounted to seventeen thousand seven hundred and seventy golden pence, which is above thirteen thousand pounds sterling, counting the prices, gold for gold; but, as the value of gold and silver was then much higher than at present, the sum in our money at this day would be much greater.  These churches were built by Constantine in so stately and magnificent a manner as to vie with the finest structures in the empire, as appears from the description which Eusebius gives us of the Church of Tyre; for we find that the rest were erected upon the same model, which was consequently of great antiquity.  St. Peter’s Church on the Vatican, being fallen to decay, it was begun to be rebuilt under Julius II in 1506, and was dedicated by Urban VIII in 1626, on this day; the same on which the dedication of the old church was celebrated.  The precious remains of many popes, martyrs, and other saints, are deposited partly under the altars of this vast and beautiful church, and partly in a spacious subterraneous church under the other.  But the richest treasure of this venerable place consists in the relics of SS. Peter and Paul, which lie in a sumptuous vault beyond the middle of the church, towards the upper end, under a magnificent altar at which only the pope says Mass, unless he commissions another to officiate there. This sacred vault is called The confession of St. Peter, or The threshold of the Apostles (Limina apostolorum), to which devout persons have flocked in pilgrimages from the primitive ages.
    Churches are dedicated only to God, though often under the patronage of some saint; that the faithful may be excited to implore, with united suffrages, the intercession of such a saint, and that churches may be distinguished by bearing different titles.  “Neither do we,” says St. Austin, “erect churches or appoint priesthoods, sacred rites, and sacrifices to the martyrs; because, not the martyrs, but the God of the martyrs is our God.  Who, among the faithful, ever heard a priest standing at the altar which is erected over the body of a martyr to the honor and worship of God say, in praying, We offer up sacrifices to thee, O Peter, or Paul, or Cyprian; when at their memories (or titular altars) it is offered to God, who made them both men and martyrs, and has associated them to his angels in heavenly honor.”  And again, “We build not churches to martyrs as to gods, but memories as to men departed this life, whose souls live with God.  Nor do we erect altars to sacrifice on them to the martyrs, but to the God of the martyrs and our God.”  Constantine the Great gave proofs of his piety and religion by the foundation of so many magnificent churches, in which he desired that the name of God should be glorified on earth to the end of time.  Do we show ours by our awful deportment and devotion in holy places, and by our assiduity in frequenting them?  God is everywhere present, and is to be honored by the homages of our affections in all places.  But in those which are sacred to him, in which our most holy mysteries are performed, and in which his faithful servants unite their suffrages, greater is the glory which redounds to him from them, and he is usually more ready to receive our requests—the prayers of many assembled together being a holy violence to his mercy.

“One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.”
– Saint Dominic
Our Annual St. Nicholas Day Bazaar
Saturday, December 2rd – 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Come for tasty Polish pierogi, delicious baked goods,
religious goods, gifts from Poland, marvelous arts and crafts,
exciting raffles and fun and games, breakfast and lunch served
on the premises and will feature Polish kielbasa grinders.

IN HONOR OF THE INFANT OF PRAGUE we will have the special rite of the Blessing of Children in our parish on Saturday, December 9th.  All parents are encouraged to bring their children and infants to the 4:00 p.m. Mass for this special blessing.

THE CATECHISM CLASS CHILDREN’S St. Nicholas Party will take place on Friday, December 9th beginning with 4:00 p.m. Mass for Grades K – 6.  St. Nicholas will make an appearance. Children are reminded to bring a $3.00 gift to exchange.  A professional magician will also be there to astound and dazzle everyone!  Save this date for a magical day!

OUR LADY’S HOLY ICON will visit the home of Kathy Eichorn for a week of prayer and petition for the needs of our Parish.  We thank you for this holy work of power and love.

COMMUNITY MEALS – Our final Community Meal in 2017 will be on Wednesday, December 6. We are responsible for the main meal, breads, beverages and dessert and a small group of volunteers to help serve the meal, which takes place at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield. There is a sign-up sheet in the front vestibule with aluminum pans for your convenience for our dinner.   Please contact Cathy Becklo at 413-863-2267 or at acbecklo@comcast.net if you would like more information or have any questions. Thank you for all the wonderful effort that keeps this program running so beautifully!

THE TERESIANS ARE STILL LOOKING for a few good men, women, or families willing to join us in the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  Out latest project is collecting “toiletries” from hotels.  These will be offered at the OLC community meals.  There is a marked container in the vestibule.  Do NOT buy them.  If you want to buy something, consider groceries for distribution from the rectory.  Nancy Faller (nafaller@aol.com)
PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH CHRISTMAS TRIP – St. Mary’s Church in Lee presents a Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas Trip, November 28-30. Highlights include:  Miracle of Christmas Show at Sight and Sound Theatre, Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, American Music Theatre Christmas Show, Christmas Chalk w/artist – art work will be given away to a guest, two breakfasts, two dinners (one being in an Amish home), Kitchen Kettle Village, Farmers Market and guided tour of Amish Farmlands.  Cost is $439 pp, double occupancy.  For more info., please contact St. Mary’s office at 413-243-0275 or Nancy Wilcox at 413-298-4603.

CATHOLIC CRUISE TROPICAL CARIBBEAN – Come and sail away on a 7 night tropical Caribbean cruise with Fr. John Harper, Dec. 31-Jan. 7, 2018 on Holland America’s Eurodam out of Ft. Lauderdale (Port Everglades)), Florida Ports of Call:  Key West, Florida, Grand Turk Island, Turks & Caicos, Amber Cove (Puerto Plata), Dominican Republic, Half Moon Bay, Bahamas (Cruiseline Private Island).  Prices begin at $3,168 for two passengers which includes all port fees and taxes.  Daily Mass offered.  Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin.  Space is limited.  For further information or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.com.

ALTERNATIVES PREGNANCY CENTER – Pregnancy Tests, Counseling, Support Services, and Post Abortion Support, All Services Free and Confidential, 466 Main Street, P.O. Box 344, Greenfield, MA  01302-0344 — (413) 774-6010

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND – Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Msgr. Mike Shershanovich from St. Joseph’s, Pittsfield and Fr. Brian McGrath from St. Mary’s, Lee from Jan. 23-31, 2018.  For more information, call Msgr. Mike at 413-445-5789.

HOLY HOUR FOR THE SICK AND DYING – A Holy Hour is observed each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel at Blessed Sacrament Church.  Included are the singing of hymns, recitation of the Rosary, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the Sick and the Dying.  The hour concludes with Benediction.  If you know of someone who is ailing and in need of special graces and prayer, come and spend an hour for his/her intention.

COFFEE HOUR – For those of you are waiting for your children during C.C.D. classes – and for anyone else who can join us for that matter – there will be a Coffee Hour at the Rectory following 8:00 Mass (from 9:00 – 10:00).  Please come by for a cup of coffee, some home made baked goods, and friendly company.  Please use the side door of the Rectory.
TWO PILGRIMAGES TO WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – The World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin, Ireland from August 21-26, 2018.  Two great pilgrimages (8 or 12 day) are planned which include daily Mass and visits to numerous shrines (Knock, St. Peter, Nat’l. Shrine to St. Oliver Plunkett, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Valentine, Venerable Matt Talbot, Tomb of Venerable John Sullivan, depending on which pilgrimage you choose) and many places of interest.  For more information contact Grand View Tours at (610-361-7979), visit http://www.catholicsindublin.com, or contact Fr. Jonathan Reardon at Holy Family Parish in So. Deerfield (665-3254).

WORLD WAR I: BEYOND THE FRONT LINES – World War I, fought from 1914-1918, was the modern world’s first international conflict. Approximately 11 million soldiers were killed, and the war’s toll including civilian casualties exceeded 20 million. By Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1918, more than 116,000 Americans died as a result of the war. Of these, more than 1,600 were Knights of Columbus. Both the first and last American military officers to die during the war were K of C members. The Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn. commemorates the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in the war with an exhibition, World War I: Beyond the Front Lines (Apr. 6, 2017 – Dec. 30, 2018). The exhibition provides an historical retrospective of the war and includes interactives, images and artifacts from the Knights of Columbus Museum collection, Supreme Council archives and borrowed materials from private lenders and organizations. A series of WWI-related lectures and presentations will be offered throughout the course of the exhibition. For more information, visit http://www.kofcmuseum.org.

COMMUNITY MEALS – Our final Community Meal in 2017 will be on Wednesday, December 6. We are responsible for the main meal, breads, beverages and dessert and a small group of volunteers to help serve the meal, which takes place at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield. There is a sign-up sheet in the front vestibule with aluminum pans for your convenience for our dinner.   Please contact Cathy Becklo at 413-863-2267 or at acbecklo@comcast.net if you would like more information or have any questions. Thank you for all the wonderful effort that keeps this program running so beautifully!
VISIT http://diospringfield.org/Ministries/child-youth-protection/ for resources for child abuse prevention and reporting.

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS to the Priesthood from our Parish and for our Parish so that we might always have a Priest here to celebrate the Mass and administer the Holy Sacraments!  Please join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet to pray for vocations to the priesthood every Friday beginning at 4:45 p.m.

THE FOLLOWING MASS INTENTIONS have been sent to various Missionaries.  They will be offered as follows and you may attend the Masses here in our church as the Missionaries offer the Masses in their churches:
Sunday, November 12: 8:00 + Mary R. DiMascola – int. Son
Sunday, November 12: 10:30 + Ross Copetta – int. Edith Bourbeau
Monday, November 13: 8:00 + Robert & Catherine Scherman
                    – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Tuesday, November 14: 5:30 + Leonard and Genny Roach
                    – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Thurssday, November 16: + William Scherman Family – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
Saturday, November 18: 4:00 + Stanley & Victoria Klepadlo
                    – int. Joseph & Irene Klepadlo
PLEASE NOTE:  The above Masses not only assist the souls for whom they are offered, but they also help the Missionaries who often times receive very little help.  It also helps the people where the Masses are offered.  Bóg wam zapłać!

HOLY HOUR AND MINI RETREAT – Join us before the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour and Mini Retreat of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart.  The Holy Hour is every Thursday and the Mini Retreat is the last Thursday of every month in our church following the 5:30 p.m. Mass, from 6:16 – 7:15 p.m. with our Pastor, Fr. Seán O’Mannion, National Director of the Guard of Honor – USA.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS – A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is an opportunity for any woman, man, couple, grandparent or sibling who struggles with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion.  This unique retreat allows the soul to speak its sorrow and is designed specifically to help retreatants experience the gentleness, mercy, compassion, and the unconditional love of Jesus as they walk through the journey to forgiveness.  The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held in Stockbridge, MA on the weekend of Nov. 3-5th.  If you or a friend are hurting from an abortion experience don’t delay, take the first step toward healing.  For more information or to register for a weekend call 413-452-0661.  You may also call Suzanne @ 203-417-0504.  All calls are confidential.

AN ELDERLY WOMAN died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, “They wouldn’t take me out while I was alive, I don’t want them to take me out when I’m dead.”


Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord,
And Let Your Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.



Joseph Sliva 11/12/1983
John H. A. Lane, Jr. 11/12/1999
Caroline J. Janek 11/13/2000
John “Tim” Golembeski 11/13/2014
Eleonore Podlenski 11/16/1929
Anthony Pluta 11/16/1986
Stanislaus Traceowski 11/17/1944
Wanda Bogusz 11/17/1980
Joseph V. Skrzykpek 11/17/2005
John Jarmak 11/18/1962
Joseph Jablonski 11/18/1967
Raymond K. George 11/18/2013


Remember the Holy Souls in Your Prayers


CHURCH CHOIRS:  The St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers, which sings at the Sunday 10:30 Mass and other special services, is always seeking additional singers of any experience.  We rehearse every Sunday in the choir loft following the 10:30 Mass, from 11:30 – 1:00.  For information, please see Henry Gaida or e-mail hgaida@gmail.com.
    The Saint Gregory Choir:   So you didn’t take Latin in school?  Most of us didn’t either!  So you don’t read music?  Many of us are still learning the basics!  So you’re busy?  So are we!  Who are we?  We call ourselves the St. Gregory Choir; we’re folk like you who like to sing to God’s greater glory.  The music we sing is sophisticated, but we aren’t, and we need you.  Don’t let flimsy excuses keep you from singing some of civilization’s greatest music–the Church’s vast treasury of chants, hymns, and polyphony (a fancy name for four part pieces).  We rehearse for seventy-five minutes after Friday Mass and twenty minutes before the Sunday first Mass.  Come give it a try.  No auditions, no experience necessary, and no solos the first twelve months.  We promise!  We sing at the 8:00 Sunday morning Mass.  For more information, call Robert Heath at 772-8738.  

PLEASE NOTE that every day of the month is set aside to pray for a specific priest or deacon of Franklin County.  Please join in dedicating every day to one of the clergymen designated in our calendar.  The intentions for this week are:

SUNDAY                                   Vocations

MONDAY                                 Deacon Ratte’

TUESDAY                                 Fr. Lisowski

WEDNESDAY                          Msgr.  Yargeau

THURSDAY                              Fr. Roach

FRIDAY                                     Deacon Bete

SATURDAY                              Pope Francis





+ Parish Schedule for the Week of November 5, 2017 +

Sunday, November 5 [Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time]:
  8:00 am + All Souls Novena V
10:30 am + All Souls Novena VI
Monday, November 6:
 8:00 am + All Souls Novena VII
Tuesday, November 7 [St. Camillus and St. Peregrine Novena]:
 5:30 pm + All Souls Novena VIII
Wednesday, November 8 [St. Jude Novena]:
 5:30 pm + All Souls Novena IX
Thursday, November 9 [The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica]:
 5:30 pm + Mary Elizabeth Garmalo – int. Mark Garmalo
Friday, November 10 [Pope St. Leo the Great]:
  5:30 pm + Walter & Sophie Sojka – int. sons, Robert, Richard & James
Saturday, November 11 [St. Martin of Tours/Bd. Alicia Kotowska]:
 8:00 am – Special intention for the Sisters of Santa Rosa – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
 4:00 pm + Charles Christian – int. Wife and Granddaughter
 6:00 pm (Spanish) – For our Parish and Parishioners
Sunday, November 12 [Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time]:
 8:00 am – Intentions of the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa – int. Ron & Monica Scherman
10:30 am + Living & Departed Members of the Fritz & Klepacki Families – int. Family



(1859-1906) the discoverer of radium and the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the first person to win it twice!

THE PARISH COUNCIL will meet on Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30 p.m.  The Christmas bazaar, Thanksgiving, and the Advent services will be discussed.  All are welcome to attend.  Please note that all parishioners are always invited and encouraged to attend and participate for the good of the parish!


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th is the Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran, which is the Cathedral of the Pope as Bishop of Rome.  It is known as the Mother Church of Christendom and it serves as a sign of devotion to, and of unity with, the Pope who “presides over the whole assembly in charity.”  The Mass of the Dedication of St. John Lateran will take place at the 5:30 p.m. Mass.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th is the Feast of Pope St. Leo the Great, known as a great Pastor, preacher and defender of Roman primacy.  He is also known for having twice saved the city of Rome from Barbarian invasions.  He will be remembered in the Mass at 5:30 p.m.


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11th is the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, a soldier turned Christian who later became a Monk and a Bishop.  Known for his great charity he will be remembered in the Mass at 8:00 a.m.


NOVEMBER IS DEDICATED to the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  Please remember the Holy Souls in your Prayers!  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!

Our Annual
St. Nicholas Day Bazaar

Saturday, December 2nd
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Come for tasty Polish pierogi, delicious baked goods, religious goods, gifts from Poland, marvelous arts and crafts, exciting raffles and fun and games.  Breakfast and lunch will be served on the premises and will feature Polish kielbasa grinders.

THE ST. JUDE NOVENA will take place on Wednesday, November 8th at the 5:30 p.m. Mass.  All are welcome to come and pray for the intercession of the saint of impossible cases.

THE WEEKLY PRO-LIFE NOVENA will be offered before the 8:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 11th.  Please come and beg God for an end to this terrifying evil which is destroying our nation!

OUR ANNUAL ALL SOULS DAY CEMETERY ROSARY will take place on Sunday, November 12th at 2:00 p.m., weather permitting.  We will process praying the Rosary encircling our loved ones at the cemetery with the protection and love of Our Lady of the Rosary.  All are welcome to attend to pray for our departed friends and relatives.  In the event of rain the Rosary will be offered in church.

THE WINNERS OF THE SEPT. 50-50 RAFFLE were: Tim Meyer, Robert Sojka, and no claim. Our next 50-50 Raffle will be held the weekend of Nov. 18 & 19, 2017 at all Masses.  Just a reminder that the proceeds for this raffle will go to the Scott Seago Family Fund.

OUR LADY’S HOLY ICON will visit the home of Lillian Sroka for a week of prayer and petition for the needs of our Parish.  We thank you for this holy work of power and love.
COMMUNITY MEALS – Our final Community Meal in 2017 will be on Wednesday, December 6. We are responsible for the main meal, breads, beverages and dessert and a small group of volunteers to help serve the meal, which takes place at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield. There is a sign-up sheet in the front vestibule with aluminum pans for your convenience for our dinner.   Please contact Cathy Becklo at 413-863-2267 or at acbecklo@comcast.net if you would like more information or have any questions. Thank you for all the wonderful effort that keeps this program running so beautifully!

A COUNTRY CHRISTMAS FAIR IN SHELBURNE FALLS – St. Joseph Parish in Shelburne Falls will hold a “Country Christmas Fair” on Saturday, November 11 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm and Sunday, November 12 from 9:00 am – Noon at the Shelburne-Buckland Community Center on 53 Main Street.  The fair will offer unique country crafts, sewn, crocheted and knitted items, hand-made dolls, hand-painted Christmas ornaments and home décor, homemade candies and baked goods, an Attic Treasures table, themed gift baskets, Buckland’s famous J. G. Haigis Baloney and Tea Cup Auction.  A big raffle featuring a $150 Cash Prize, a $75 gift certificate to West End Pub and a $75 gift certificate to the Blue Rock Restaurant & Bar (both located in Shelburne Falls) will round out the offerings. A delicious choice of lunch items will be available on Saturday. Get your Christmas shopping done early! For more information, call (413) 625-6405.

PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH CHRISTMAS TRIP – St. Mary’s Church in Lee presents a Pennsylvania Dutch Christmas Trip, November 28-30. Highlights include:  Miracle of Christmas Show at Sight and Sound Theatre, Mass at Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, American Music Theatre Christmas Show, Christmas Chalk w/artist – art work will be given away to a guest, two breakfasts, two dinners (one being in an Amish home), Kitchen Kettle Village, Farmers Market and guided tour of Amish Farmlands.  Cost is $439 pp, double occupancy.  For more info., please contact St. Mary’s office at 413-243-0275 or Nancy Wilcox at 413-298-4603.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS RAFFLE – The Knights Council 737 at Our Lady of Częstochowa are raffling a Gibson Les Paul 1960 reissue Gold top guitar valued at $1500.  Tickets are available at $10 each or 5 for $40 with the drawing taking place December 2 during our church’s Christmas Bazaar. Only 500 tickets will be sold.  Please see any of the Knights for your chance to win or call Mark Garmalo at 413-824-1469.

WEBSITE:  ChroniclesofCzestochowa.wordpress.com  Like us on Facebook

VISIT http://diospringfield.org/Ministries/child-youth-protection/ for resources for child abuse prevention and reporting.

Bl. Duns Scotus
(1266?-1308) Feast Day – November 7th


    Medieval Christian scholars used to bestow honorary titles upon their most brilliant colleagues. They named St. Thomas Aquinas “Doctor Angelicus” (“Angelic Doctor”); Roger Bacon “Doctor Mirabilis” (“Marvelous Doctor”); St. Bernard of Clairvaux, “Doctor Mellifluus” (“Honey-spoken Doctor”), etc. The brilliant young Franciscan theologian, Blessed Duns Scotus, was given the title “Doctor Subtilis” (“Subtle Teacher”). And sharp-minded he was!
    There has been some debate over John’s nationality. Because both the Irish and Scottish were anciently called “Scots,” the Irish have tried to claim him as an Irishman. By now, however, it seems pretty clear that he was a Scotsman, born in the little town of Duns in southeastern Scotland.
    John’s family seems to have had the same name as the town. His paternal uncle, a Franciscan friar of Dumfries, Scotland, was named Elias Duns. It was Elias who gave John his earliest education. When he was 15, John himself entered the Franciscans, and around 1290 was sent for further schooling to Oxford University. Once ordained a priest in 1291, he was dispatched to Paris to study for the masterate of theology. His teacher was the eminent Spaniard Gonzalvo of Balboa. Friar John came back to Oxford in 1296, and from 1297 to 1301 lectured on the theology of Peter Lombard. (Peter’s book, the Sentences, was then the standard theological text.)
    In 1302 Father John returned to Paris, hoping to finish his magisterial degree. After a year or so, however, he hit a snag. King Philip of France appealed from Pope Boniface VIII to an ecumenical council in a matter in which he and the pope had been disputing. It is wrong to appeal from a pope to a council, for the pope is head of the council; so Duns refused to sign the King’s protest. For his refusal he was sent into exile. His exile from the university was brief, however, and after he had received his degree in 1305, Duns taught two more years in Paris. In late 1307 he was sent to teach at Cologne, Germany. There he died on November 8, 1308, aged about 42. He was buried in the Minoriten (Franciscan) Church at Cologne. His Latin epitaph reads: “Scotland bore me, England received me, France taught me, Cologne holds me fast.”
    Fr. Duns’ chief writings are his lecture notes on the Sentences, notes that he constantly revised. Over the years some of his alleged theological views have been disputed by scholastic theologians of other schools of thought. Frequently he has been criticized for works that were wrongly attributed to him. Although Duns did take a fresh and independent look at Catholic teachings, what this influential scholar taught was basic Catholic doctrine: God’s infinite love; Christ as “God’s greatest work” (a very Franciscan point of view); and Mary’s role in our redemption. Regarding Mary, it was Blessed John who evolved the arguments in proof of her immaculate conception. Five centuries after he wrote, the Immaculate Conception was defined as a dogma of faith.
    Duns’ theological disciples were called Scotists. During the 16th century, first the Renaissance scholars and then the Protestant Reformers (both despisers of medieval culture), ridiculed the Scotists as hair-splitting sophists, and labeled their followers as “dunses” (or “dunces”). Hence, our familiar English word “dunce” for a stupid person!
    The Church, however, has always considered Fr. John to be no “dunce”, but a genius and a holy man. The Franciscans have long regarded him as a saint, and in 1991 Pope John Paul II officially approved, thus equivalently declaring him “blessed.”
–Father Robert F. McNamara

THE FOLLOWING MASS INTENTIONS have been sent to various Missionaries.  They will be offered as follows and you may attend the Masses here in our church as the Missionaries offer the Masses in their churches:
Tuesday, November 7: 5:30 + Diane Hephurn – int. Kathryn Putala & Family
Wednesday, November 8: + Gladys Brostowski – int. Joseph & Irene Klepadlo
Saturday, November 4: 4:00 + Mary R. Di Mascola – int. Son
PLEASE NOTE:  The above Masses not only assist the souls for whom they are offered, but they also help the Missionaries who often times receive very little help.  It also helps the people where the Masses are offered.  Bóg wam zapłać!

RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS – A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is an opportunity for any woman, man, couple, grandparent or sibling who struggles with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion.  This unique retreat allows the soul to speak its sorrow and is designed specifically to help retreatants experience the gentleness, mercy, compassion, and the unconditional love of Jesus as they walk through the journey to forgiveness.  The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held in Stockbridge, MA on the weekend of Nov. 3-5th.  If you or a friend are hurting from an abortion experience don’t delay, take the first step toward healing.  For more information or to register for a weekend call 413-452-0661.  You may also call Suzanne @ 203-417-0504.  All calls are confidential.

HOLY HOUR AND MINI RETREAT – Join us before the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour and Mini Retreat of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart.  The Holy Hour is every Thursday and the Mini Retreat is the last Thursday of every month in our church following the 5:30 p.m. Mass, from 6:16 – 7:15 p.m. with our Pastor, Fr. Seán O’Mannion, National Director of the Guard of Honor – USA.

ALTERNATIVES PREGNANCY CENTER – Pregnancy Tests, Counseling, Support Services, and Post Abortion Support, All Services Free and Confidential, 466 Main Street, P.O. Box 344, Greenfield, MA  01302-0344 — (413) 774-6010

VOLUNTEER CLEANERS – ADORATION CHAPEL – Please help us with the weekly cleaning of the Adoration Chapel.  Four teams help clean once a month and we need two more volunteers for the second Monday of the month and two more for the fourth Monday.  It only requires about 30 minutes of your valuable time.  The normal time for cleaning is from 7:00 a.m. to about 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. on Mondays. Please prayerfully consider helping us by volunteering for this important ministry.  For more information, and to sign up, please call Pat Earley at 773-3396.  Thank you!

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS to the Priesthood from our Parish and for our Parish so that we might always have a Priest here to celebrate the Mass and administer the Holy Sacraments!  Please join in the Divine Mercy Chaplet to pray for vocations to the priesthood every Friday beginning at 4:45 p.m.

TWO PILGRIMAGES TO WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – The World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin, Ireland from August 21-26, 2018.  Two great pilgrimages (8 or 12 day) are planned which include daily Mass and visits to numerous shrines (Knock, St. Peter, Nat’l. Shrine to St. Oliver Plunkett, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, St. Valentine, Venerable Matt Talbot, Tomb of Venerable John Sullivan, depending on which pilgrimage you choose) and many places of interest.  For more information contact Grand View Tours at (610-361-7979), visit http://www.catholicsindublin.com, or contact Fr. Jonathan Reardon at Holy Family Parish in So. Deerfield (665-3254).

CATHOLICS COME HOME – Learn more about our Catholic Church.  Whether you are Catholic, on a journey into the Catholic Church or returning to the Catholic Church, you will find resources that will help you understand more clearly the Catholic Church and her teachings at http://www.catholicscomehome.org. You will find resources that will help you understand more clearly the Catholic Church and her teachings at http://www.catholicscomehome.org.

Please Join Us for Sunday Vespers
VESPERS (EVENING PRAYER) will be chanted every Sunday at 4:00 p.m., unless otherwise announced.
    Vespers is the evening hour of the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours), which is recited daily by priests, religious, and laity throughout the world, and constitutes a major and ancient part of the solemn, official, public prayer of the Church.  The service is consists Hymns, Psalms, Readings, the Magnificat (Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary), and Prayers, which extend the Sunday liturgy through the evening, and makes a fitting close to the Lord’s Day:  The Magnificat Antiphon is always taken from the Gospel of the Day, and the Collect is that from Sunday’s Mass.
    While the more complex antiphons are chanted by the cantors, the bulk of the service, consisting of Psalms, are set to simple melodies that anyone can sing, whether you think you have a “good voice” or not.  You do NOT need to be a trained musician to take part, just a desire to join the Church in praising Almighty God!  (And even if you do not wish to sing, you can still benefit by following the service.)  Booklets are provided every week.

THE ST. CECILIA CHOIR AND CHORISTERS of Our Lady of Czestochowa Church will be presenting their fifth annual Choral Mass for St. Cecilia’s Day on Sunday, November 19th, at the 10:30 Mass.  This year we will be presenting Franz Schubert’s Mass No. 2 in G Major for choir, soloists, strings, and organ.

PLEASE NOTE that every day of the month is set aside to pray for a specific priest or deacon of Franklin County.  Please join in dedicating every day to one of the clergymen designated in our calendar.  The intentions for this week are:

SUNDAY                            Clergy in Purgatory

MONDAY                           Deacon Patten                 

TUESDAY                           Bishop McDonnell

WEDNESDAY                   Deacon Rabbitt

THURSDAY                       Fr. O’Mannion

FRIDAY                              Deacon Culliton

SATURDAY                        Clergy who are sick

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord,
And Let Your Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.

Joseph Niedzwiecki 11/5/1933
Francisjka Kierstyn 11/5/1955
Walter C. Kosewicz 11/5/1991
Helen M. Gaines 11/5/2015
Diane D. Putala-Hepburn 11/6/1999
Charles E. Christian, Jr. 11/6/2001
Vincent Ferland 11/6/2005
Josepha A. Zalynski 11/7/1963
Donna Tudryn 11/7/1976
Joanne E. Harris 11/7/1994
John Cislo 11/8/1930
Rev. Stanislaus A. Szczypinski 11/8/1978
Stanley Sojka 11/8/1980
Sophie M. Lund 11/8/1994
Helen D. Fronckus 11/8/2004
Blanche Ptak 11/9/1983
Dean L. Clark 11/9/1994
Steven Siciak 11/9/1995
Francis Aptacy 11/10/1927
Helen Duda 11/10/1933
Stanislawa Milowski 11/10/1968
Emeline Krejmas 11/10/1985
Albert J. Dlugosz 11/10/1986
Anna M. Kostrzewska 11/10/2003
Frank F. Benedetti 11/10/2012
Boleslaus Ostrowski 11/11/1931
Philip Jarmak 11/11/1943
Wladyslawa Gumula 11/11/1967
Laurence E. Fugere 11/11/2003
Edward F. Greene, Jr. 11/11/2006
Robert G. Larabee, Jr. 11/11/2007

Remember the Holy Souls in Your Prayers


CHURCH CHOIRS:  The St. Cecilia Choir and Choristers, which sings at the Sunday 10:30 Mass and other special services, is always seeking additional singers of any experience.  We rehearse every Sunday in the choir loft following the 10:30 Mass, from 11:30 – 1:00.  For information, please see Henry Gaida or e-mail hgaida@gmail.com.
    The Saint Gregory Choir:   So you didn’t take Latin in school?  Most of us didn’t either!  So you don’t read music?  Many of us are still learning the basics!  So you’re busy?  So are we!  Who are we?  We call ourselves the St. Gregory Choir; we’re folk like you who like to sing to God’s greater glory.  The music we sing is sophisticated, but we aren’t, and we need you.  Don’t let flimsy excuses keep you from singing some of civilization’s greatest music–the Church’s vast treasury of chants, hymns, and polyphony (a fancy name for four part pieces).  We rehearse for seventy-five minutes after Friday Mass and twenty minutes before the Sunday first Mass.  Come give it a try.  No auditions, no experience necessary, and no solos the first twelve months.  We promise!  We sing at the 8:00 Sunday morning Mass.  For more information, call Robert Heath at 772-8738.